A Journey worth taking!
New Media Technologies brought many insightful lessons over the semester. If I had to pick just one assignment as my favorite, I would pick the Generation Like assignment. I liked getting to know and understand more about other perspectives on this topic. It was interesting to learn that many people do not feel the way I do about new technologies. Through the Generation Like assignment, I was able to gain insightful perspectives into other’s feeling about social media and their usage habits. This was very helpful information for me as it directly helps me with my targeting in my own business.
Media Technology can be a wonderful resource if used properly. Engaging with media is necessary for my business so I will continue to actively engage with social media. The way I use and interact with the technology has been highlighted by the topics we have covered in the course. I have a more comprehensive understanding of how others interact with the technology and how it is perceived from others. I have always known that I am a kind person, and I will not change that because of technology. The ease to use the tech for harm does, as learned in COMM372T, leave emotionally tolls on some individuals. I personally have never felt like my worth is tied to social media but going through this class has opened my eyes to that possibility for others so I will use with caution and always make sure I stay kind and do not become part of the problem.
After curating my eportfolio for COMM 372T I feel that it represents me and my work well. I have curated the eportfolio multiple times, but I now have unified look, organized tabs, and content to fill the pages. The eportfolio assignment has been a great learning experience for me over the last two years. I have developed many skills that I am able to transfer into my business form all the work I have done on my communication eportfolio. The first versions of my eportfolio were not very good but over time and with the guidance of many great professors, I now have a professional eportfolio that I am proud to share with others.
My biggest tip for new students who are just creating their communication eportfolio would be to plan before you begin designing on the platform. WIX is very user friendly but having a plan will eliminate multiple tears down and re-designs. Each section should be well thought out and your entire site should look cohesive. Be sure to include yourself in your design, make it personal, this will be the place you display your hard work for others to see. Another tip would be to decide in your planning what fonts and colors you would like and have them set for your pages before you go in and start creating. This will give you a nice clean look on all the pages without having to go back and change so many setting each time you create a new piece of work or update a page.
Enjoy your time at ODU and let’s go Monarchs!