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Growing through Conflict.


Conflict is an inevitable in life that as individuals we should be better equipped to handle. Throughout the semester, I have learned valuable lessons that I can now apply to conflict in my personal, and professional life. There were three topics that stood out to me over the course of our studies in Interpersonal Conflict.

· Power & Conflict

· Emotions in Conflict

· Reconciliation & Forgiveness


“We each need enough power to live the life we want.”

- Hocker | Berry| Wilmot


Power and conflict will be something as I grow into my business and professional goals, I know I will face. With the framework and lessons, we studied I now feel I have better footing to approach these incidents with confidence. Understanding how power works in society, the relational theory of power and power currencies, I feel I am prepared to navigate conflicts that could arise in the future.

Emotion and conflict brought a very intriguing module. I already understood on some level that emotions are a factor in our interpersonal relationships but going through the material I now understand WHY our emotions influence our decisions and other decisions about us. This tied into forgiveness for me personally. I have a hard time “letting go”. The lectures and information in chapter eleven were very insightful. I know how to apologize professionally because I worked in the service industry for over a decade, but knowing and understanding the inner workings and foundations was very helpful for me and my own personal growth.


Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed Interpersonal Conflict and the lessons we learned. I think that everything we learned applies to life. Understanding how to manage and approach difficult situations is a skillset that as individuals, we all should possess. The three topics I mentioned above will be beneficial in my future business and personal life. I plan to use the framework we have been taught to better understand the situation before I make decisions and utilize the lessons to handle conflict with confidence.


Hocker, J. L., Berry, K., & Wilmot, W. W. (2022). Interpersonal conflict. McGraw Hill. 2023.


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