My ePortfolio was already established from a previous course. I used this opportunity to improve some of my designs and update some of my information/content. While I did not have to start from scratch, updating my page to revamp and create a more cohesive flow for my designs was a bit challenging. I worked through my challenges which lead me to learn some new skills in design on WIX. Learning new things is always fun for me so this was a nice learning opportunity to improve.
Currently, I feel my portfolio could be improved. I plan to have professional headshots done to create a more upscale/business look to my design. I would like to add more content to my page as the semester continues. I do like my website, but I know I can improve it as I learn more about working with the program. My online presence is established. I am connected on a variety of channels, which I actively check and engage with users on. As all things, even though I have an established presence online, it could always be improved. My unanswered questions will be addressed in the upcoming WIX workshop and I look forward to using those skills to improve my site further.
Personally, my best experience with a leader was when I worked for a MLM called AdvoCare. Our regional leader was phenomenal. She was extremely uplifting of her team and would take the time to help develop everyone to their potential. I appreciated her team first attitude which in turn lead her to success because her entire team was doing well under her. I know longer work with MLM, but her leadership, guidance and teachings left an impression on me.
Events can be wonderful if properly managed and produced. I have had quite a few unpleasant experiences at events in my lifetime. The most frequent poorly managed events I've attended, unfortunately, are youth sporting events. Our oldest son plays travel basketball and whew, we have run into some truly lack luster events. At these events you expect player safety, fair game calling, adequate facilities, welcoming staff, and competition. I have personally planned and directed multiple tournaments, the key is good planning and communication with staff, vendors, and teams. Most poor events appear to be disorganized with a lack of communication. Two things that are easy to fix to create a wonderful event for everyone.